The Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch Memorial Fund, Ltd.
PO Box 23064
Baltimore, MD 21203-5064
After more than one year of communication via email and phone the members of the board of the Gritsch Memorial Fund gathered around the table in the home of the secretary for a “normal” dinner meeting on August 5, 2021. Since everyone was fully vaccinated masks were not believed to be necessary. Everyone agreed that it was wonderful being together again.
Over the months we have been thinking about all of you, our friends, and trusting that you are well. A number of you have been in touch with us wondering if the organization intends to host some events. The answer is “yes” – a resounding YES! We have some ideas which we hope to make realities just as soon as the health situation allows in-person gatherings.
The plan is to conduct a series of tours later this fall and early winter. Baltimore has many beautiful historic places of worship, and we want to learn more about a few of them. The series entitled TREASURE TROVE TOURS will begin with a tour of Zion Church of the City of Baltimore. This church has a long and esteemed history, a sizeable library, artwork by the well-known Baltimore sculptor, Hans Schuler, and a reputation for German food and hospitality. (Naturally, we will be treated to some of that on the tour.)
Be watching this website( for details and date and information regarding this and up-coming tours.”
It is the Board’s intention to make regular postings on the website – these will focus on “Gritschisms” --selections from the writings of the Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch. Future generations will come to value his scholarship which is marked by wit and wisdom. His publishers inform us that his words are timely and that his books continue to sell. In fact, his book entitled TOXIC SPIRITUALITY has recently been translated into Hungarian. Would you be interested in postings of pertinent book reviews dealing with the fields of Reformation and Renaissance studies? That is a possibility.
The FUND has made numerous charitable contributions over the year. The Gritsch Fellows –one at Yale and one in Tubingen, Germany can be followed on the website; and our Eric W. Gritsch YouTube Channel they are doing exciting things. In 2022, it is the intention to name a third Fellow.
In previous years the FUND has hosted an annual Symposium which has drawn national and international scholars speaking on topics dealing with ecumenism, Luther, and historical movements. Many of you have joined us for these events. Presently we are considering speakers and topics for a Symposium in March of 2022. This tradition is worthwhile continuing.
As you can see, the Board of the Gritsch Memorial Fund is thinking and acting during this “mean meantime,” and we remember that we are people of hope!
We HOPE to hear from you!
We HOPE to see you soon!
We HOPE you and your families are well and remain so!
Best Regards,
The Board Members of the Fund
The Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch Memorial Fund, Ltd.
PO Box 23064
Baltimore, MD 21203-5064