The Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch Memorial Fund, Ltd.
PO Box 23064
Baltimore, MD 21203-5064
The Reverend Dr. Eric W. Gritsch Memorial Fund, Ltd.
PO Box 23064, Baltimore, MD 21203-5064
January 7, 2022
Dear Friends,
As the new year 2022 begins the Board of the Gritsch Memorial Fund looks forward with optimistic anticipation for more in-person events. Although the virus is once again surging, and we remain flexible with our tentative plans, we are hopeful. Naturally, we are thinking of all of our friends in the FUND and praying that you and your loved ones are cautiously adhering to the guidelines so that the people of the world experience improved health in the coming weeks.
First, we thank the friends who sent “end of the year” contributions. These funds allow the Board to plan future programs which foster the legacy of Eric Gritsch. We are confident that he would be pleased and honored with the work that is being done in his name.
Joyfully, we report that on Saturday, November 13, 2021 twenty-six friends, both new and old, gathered at Zion Church of the City of Baltimore for our first of the TREASURE TROVE tours of historic places of worship in Baltimore. Bernie Penner presented a comprehensive lecture on the history of Germans in Baltimore, Maryland as he led the group through Zion pointing out architectural features and giving vivid sketches of the pastors who served the congregation over the centuries. Through lively stories Bernie informed the group that many challenges were confronted, but the service to God and the community went on within these walls. The highlight of the tour, most certainly, was the climb of ninety-six steps up into Zion’s belltower for a look at the magnificent bells and a bird’s eye view of the city. Many thanks to Bernie for a memorable experience!! People lingered for treats and conversation in the Adlersaal—a delightful finish. Do follow the tour on the website where Randy has posted a fine pictorial and textural record of the event.
The second tour of the series will be conducted on Saturday, February 26, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. until noon. The Rev. Dale Dusman, a former student of Dr. Gritsch and the former pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, will lead us through this beautiful church with an ENTIRE Tiffany interior. Keep watching the website for details. This tour is not to be missed.
The Board is pleased to announce that the Eighth Annual Symposium is being planned for Saturday, March 19, 2022 at the Peabody Library. Carl P. E. Springer from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and the author of the recently published book entitled LUTHER’S
ROME -- ROME’S LUTHER: HOW THE CITY SHAPED THE REFORMER will be the speaker. This promises to be an exciting event. Of course, everyone’s safety and health remain our top priority and so we reiterate that these in-person events will be contingent on the status of the COVID situation in the upcoming weeks and months. Please continue to watch our website for updated information and details on these events.
Very soon a call will go out for the search for the third Gritsch Fellow. The Board is interested in encouraging and supporting scholars in Reformations Studies.
These times may indeed be the “mean meantime”, to quote Eric Gritsch, but we at the Gritsch Memorial Fund, with your interest and support, are moving forward with hope in the future.
Stay well! We hope to see you soon!
With best regards,
The Members of the Board for the Gritsch Memorial Fund
The Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch Memorial Fund, Ltd.
PO Box 23064
Baltimore, MD 21203-5064