The Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch Memorial Fund, Ltd.
PO Box 23064
Baltimore, MD 21203-5064
This book is a collection of seven Good Friday homilies by the late Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch. Due to the fact that this respected historian, writer, teacher and preacher rarely wrote his sermons, this book of printed meditations will be a treasured addition to the library shelves. Here Gritsch captures the essence of Christian theology, highlighting the concepts with his understanding of human history and human foibles. The insights and wit for which this beloved teacher is known abound in this small volume. In this collection, the Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross are made relevant for those in the twenty-first century who live the daily experiences of their lives trying, at all times, to be faithful Christians. Page by page the good news of Good Friday is made real.
An audio version is also be available. One can also purchase the book and/or audio by contacting Bonnie Brobst at bonbmore@comcast.netThis book offers a swift trek through two millennia of Christendom told with wit, spiked by satire and a gallows humor. There are three chapters (symbolizing the Trinity), each encompassing seven centuries (symbolizing the seven days of creation), with four parts in each chapter (symbolizing the four Gospels). Chapter headings and subtitles are eye-catchers, such as "Edifice Complex" for the Middle Ages with its zeal for architectural and sacramental edification. Idiosyncratic features are highlighted, like the "pillar saints," monks who spent their lives on pillars in the desert; "castrated believers," who experienced the procedure as a refinement of penance; and competing popes, who succumbed to secular pleasures. Word plays, the wisdom of proverbs, and "dumb" Christian ways prevent readers from getting bored.
Here Dr. Gritsch faces Martin Luther's anti-semitism head-on. This comprehensive text describes Luther's journey from initial attempts to proselytize Jews to an increasingly hostile position, which he apparently held to his death. Gritsch's unflinching analysis also describes the impact of Luther's egregious words on subsequent generations and places Luther within Europe's long history of anti-semitism. This book neither demonizes nor exonerates Luther, but shows the man's mistakes and their tragic consequences.
Dr. Gritsch’s account of six decades of graduate education and the many memorable academics met and studied along a journey. Scholars such as Viktor Frankl in Vienna, Karl Barth in Basel, Carl Jung in Zurich, Reinhold Niebuhr in New York, Paul Tillich at Harvard, the ‘doctor father” Roland Bainton at Yale. The references are mixed with has-beens, upstarts, and other special professional characters.
This book offers Christianity a reality check, exposing four historical movements that have weakened and abused the core of the Christian tradition. Anti-Semitism, fundamentalism, triumphalism, and moralism represent wayward views on the relationships between Christians and Jews; between the authority of Scripture and tradition; between the church and worldly power; and between faith and morals. These toxic traditions represent the enduring temptation of Christian faith to be "like God" (Gen. 3:5).
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The story of how the Christian reforming and confessional movement sparked and developed by Martin Luther survived its first battles with religious and political authorities to become institutionalized in its religious practices and teachings. Gritsch then traces the emergence of genuine consensus at the end of the sixteenth century, followed by the age of Lutheran Orthodoxy, the great Pietist reaction, Lutheranism's growing diversification during the Industrial Revolution, its North American expansion, and its increasingly global and ecumenical ventures in the last century.
This carefully selected anthology strives to supply hands-on knowledge of this man who would change history. It emphasizes Luther's work as theologian, exegete, and pastor. This book serves as an excellent introduction to Martin Luther's ecumenical spirituality. Selected writings are prefaced by an ample introduction, giving a biographical sketch of Luther and highlighting his hopes and goals for the Church. It also speaks to the difficulties that arose between Luther and the Catholic Church of his time, leading to schism.
Some Lutherans consider themselves heirs to a reform movement, others see themselves as members of a denomination or ecclesial institution, and still others are confounded by the tension and miss the tradition’s thrust. Part One is an overview of Lutheran history from The Book of Concord to the present, while Part Two is a distillation of its teachings as challenges to the reader. A helpful and accessible guide to Lutheranism’s history and central tenets, with numerous photos and illustrations.
Rejected in the sixteenth century by both Protestants and Catholics, yet hailed by Marxist historians as a forerunner of the Marxist revolution, this volume tells Müntzer's story and offers a critical assessment in light of his extant works, with particular attention to the religious foundations of his revolutionary program.
"This is a volume that will be appreciated by the non-specialist as well as the specialist. It reads like a novel while ... carrying on a critical dialogue with the latest Müntzer scholarship." – Carter Lindberg, Boston University.
Luther championed the truth of the Word of God as it judges and comforts sinners. In the face of papal and imperial power, and in the face of his own spiritual turmoil, his anfechtungen, the Wittenberg professor never lost his sense of the intimate connection between faith and humor, which are both anchored in him "Who sits in the heavens and laughs". (Psalm 2:4) Luther had great insights, and he made grave mistakes. But he always clung to the God who, in Jesus Christ, woos his estranged creatures back to child-like trust.
What are the origins of the born-again movement? How does the born-again experience relate to Baptism? Why do fundamentalists argue the literal inspiration of the Bible? Answers to these questions and many more emerge from the story of the born-again movement. Born Againism places the born-again phenomenon in historical perspective, beginning in the late eighteenth century as a movement propelled by speculations about the end time (millennialism). When millennialists merged with fundamentalists and charismatics, a powerful movement was born.
What are the origins of the born-again movement? How does the born-again experience relate to Baptism? Why do fundamentalists argue the literal inspiration of the Bible? Answers to these questions and many more emerge from the story of the born-again movement. Born Againism places the born-again phenomenon in historical perspective, beginning in the late eighteenth century as a movement propelled by speculations about the end time (millennialism). When millennialists merged with fundamentalists and charismatics, a powerful movement was born.
Rev. Dr. Gritsch was the author of Bibliography of the Continental Reformation (with Roland H. Bainton), Lutheranism (with Robert W. Jenson), Thomas Muntzer: A Tragedy of Errors, Martin- God's Court Jester: Luther in Retrospect, Born Againism, Fortress Introduction to Lutheranism, and A History of Lutheranism. He had edited Volumes 39 & 41 of the American Edition of Luther's Works, selected Writings for Roman Catholics in Martin Luther- Faith in Christ and the Gospel and four volumes of Encounters with Luther (Lectures, Discussions and Sermons at the Institute for Luther Studies, Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary). He translated four books and had published numerous papers in professional journals.
The Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch Memorial Fund, Ltd.