The Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch Memorial Fund, Ltd.
PO Box 23064
Baltimore, MD 21203-5064
2018 Featured Speaker: Jane Strohl
Jane Strohl grew up in Annapolis, MD. She holds degrees from Vassar College, the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, and the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. Dr. Strohl was ordained in the Lutheran Church in America in 1979. She was on the faculty of Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN from 1985-1996 and was Professor of Reformation History and Theology at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary from 1996-2013. Dr. Strohl has served parishes in Connecticut and Pennsylvania. She is currently the pastor of Community Lutheran Church in Enfield, NH.
Martha E. Stortz has been Bernhard M. Christensen Professor of Religion and Vocation, Augsburg College in Minneapolis, MN, since 2010. Prior to that, she taught in historical theology and ethics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, where was delighted to be Dr. Jane Strohl's colleague. In Berkeley, she also served as a member of the core doctoral faculty at the Graduate Theological Union, in Berkeley, Calif. Dr. Stortz, who received her BA from Carleton College and her MA and PhD from the University of Chicago, is a Christian theologian whose scholarship includes work in historical and systematic theology, ethics, biblical studies, pilgrimage studies, and more recently interfaith work. In addition to her many published articles, she is the author of A World According to God: Practices for Putting Faith at the Center of Your Life (2004), Blessed to Follow: The Beatitudes As a Compass for Discipleship (2008), and Journey's in John's Gospel: Called to Follow (2016).
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The Rev. Dr. Eric W. Gritsch Memorial Fund, Ltd.
PO Box 23064
Baltimore, MD 21203-5064